Jaguar Excellence Days
Next month we will hold our first annual Jaguar Excellence Days. This will impact the regular schedule on Tuesday, February 11th and Wednesday, February 12th. All students grade 9-12 will participate in valuable assessments, lessons or activities designed to help them grow as students. Throughout the school year, we have limited opportunities to provide these assessments, lessons and activities so we are modifying the schedule on these two days to accommodate. All students will be dismissed at the regular time (2:55 PM). Below are details outlining the different experiences being provided.
All Multilingual Learner (ML), formerly ESOL, students will report to school at the regular time each day to complete the WIDA Access. ML testers should bring their fully charged chromebook and charger. Families will be receiving notification in the next week. A reminder that refusing ESOL services does not exclude a student from being required to take the WIDA Access test.
- Students in the POD (Category B Special Education) will attend school and remain with their case managers.
- Non-testing juniors will be meeting one-on-one with their School Counselor to register for courses for their senior year.
- Non-testing freshmen and sophomores will participate in various enrichment activities.
- Non-testing students with an Academy course will still be able to attend classes with regular transportation.
- Non-testing students that are in an AP (Advanced Placement) course will be completing a practice AP exam and reflecting on their performance.
- On Tuesday, February 11, Non-testing seniors will participate in our first ever Ethics Day. Ethics Day is formatted as a business-style seminar for high school seniors, focusing on real-life examples of how to make good decisions in everyday life, exploring ethical decision making, and learning about themselves through scenarios. Students will rotate through interactive sessions, which are designed to teach critical thinking skills required when faced with complicated decisions. Participants will explore their thoughts throughout the day by using six pillars of character: trustworthiness, fairness, respect, caring, responsibility, and citizenship.
- The Band and Chorus students will be on their field trip to Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida and return to participate in the second day activities.
These two days are a great opportunity for non-testing students 9-12 to visit a college campus, plan for senior internship, do a service learning project, or participate in another meaningful activity that follows Regulation 3200.1. Per Regulation 2234, for planned absences, please complete the Jaguar Excellence Absence form and return it completed to the Dean's office in room 116 by Friday, February 7, 2025.