2024 - 2025 School Innovation and Improvement Plan Outcome goals for this academic year. Fairfax County Public SchoolsSchool Innovation and Improvement Plan2024 - 2025Falls Church High SchoolRegion 2Ben Nowak, Principal Performance In Coursework & Progress to Advanced Coursework OutcomeThe percentage of students (G9 - 12) with no final marks below a C- will increase from 52% to 57% by the end of the 2024-2025 school year. Student Attendance and Absenteeism Rates OutcomeBy the end of the 2024-2025 school year, Falls Church High School will have a chronic absenteeism rate equal to or less than 15%. Growth and Performance on State/National/International Assessments in Science OutcomeThe percentage of students who earn a passing score on a Science SOL by the end of the 2024-2025 school year will increase to 70%. Growth and Performance on State/National/International Assessments in Math OutcomeFor the 24-25 school year we will increase the annual pass rate (G9-12) for Math SOL by 6% from 74% to 80%. College, Career and Civic Readiness Index (CCCRI) OutcomeBy June 2025, CCCRI will be 86%.