Congrats to MS. Smedberg, Ms. Vandruff, and Ms. Zekoski for being recognized in FCPS Cares!

Awards and Recognition
February 02, 2022

Congratulations to Cathy Smedberg, Sarah Vandruff and Kathleen Zekoski for being recognized as employees who shows that FCPS Cares!

Below are write ups submitted by FCPS colleagues at Falls Church High School.

Cathy has, in addition to many of her other responsibilities, spent quite a bit of time collaborating in order to support a variety of students that she supports in classes. She learned, programmed, and encourages the use of communication for several students in a variety of classroom environments. She has gone above and beyond in her responsibilities with many of our students that we collaborate about technology for.

In addition to working simultaneously with her classroom of WAT students, Sarah was able to collaborate with me on a shared student for which we are trying to find new and different activities utilizing technology. She provides individualized activities and support for each student in her class on a regular basis, including collaborating with a variety of related services staff, which while helpful often interrupt plans, and she collaborates with each therapy provider/teacher/related service provider/coach, and includes us seamlessly into her class activities for the best outcomes for all of her students.

I want to say thank you to Sarah for always pushing my thinking, being flexible and working collaboratively. Your input during class always helps to develop more meaningful lessons. My work with you makes me a better educator!  Thank you!

Kathleen and I happen to work together at more than one school. I am always appreciative of her collaboration for the best student outcomes. She goes above and beyond to provide information about AAC devices, to collaborate, to request trainings, and to assist in providing school based trainings (when needed). Kathleen is a great support in sharing ideas, modeling AAC (and other technology) use, and supporting students utilizing AAC. Thank you, Kathleen!